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Sabine Häcker



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Comprehensive and flexible

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Imagine being able to immerse yourself in the world of cutting-edge technologies, learn about innovative solutions, and take your technical knowledge to the next level. We offer you exactly this opportunity through exclusive free events, which are especially designed to offer you the latest industry expertise in thermoprocess technology. Although no more events are scheduled for this year, it's worth bookmarking our website. After all, you won't want to miss any valuable events.

Don't want to wait for the next event?

Discover the JUMO Xperience platform!

Our knowledge is always available, even if the next live event is still a while away. On the JUMO Xperience platform you will find an extensive collection of recordings and further useful information on thermoprocess technology

Go to the media library now!
JUMO Xperience platform

JUMO Xperience platform

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Your contacts

Christoph Bollgen

Christoph Bollgen

Market Segment Manager for Thermoprocess Technology


+49 661 6003 9377

Contact us
Julia Bommer

Julia Bommer

Marketing Campaign Manager


+49 661 6003 9145

Contact us